Tours list
TOP 10 popular destinations, tours

Our ranking and world trends - the most popular and most beautiful tour (place). Season 2024 - 2025

We do not claim originality, but we definitely know that you should definitely visit these places!
This rating is based on many years of experience of our programs and analysis of information obtained from the open press.

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2024 - 2025 years
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Remember and include these places in your plans!!

1. Climbing by altitude:

  • up to 5000 m.
  1. Here everything is unambiguous and traditional - Matterhorn (4478 m) and Mont Blanc (4810 m),
  2. Alpine trio: Eiger (3970 m), Mönch (4107 m) and Jungfrau (4158 m),
  3. Ushba (4700 m)
  • above 5000 m.

In summer - Ararat (5137 m) and Alpamayo (5947 m), all year round - Kilimanjaro (5895 m).

  • above 6000 m.

All peaks in Nepal. One of the most beautiful peaks is Ama Dablam (6812 m) and two simpler ones: Island Peak (6189 m) and Mera Peak (6476 m).

  • above 7000 m.

The most accessible in terms of transport and finances (but not the easiest), with excellent service - Lenin Peak (7134 m), Kyrgyzstan.

  • above 8000 m.

This is of course Everest (8848 m), where long queues are now forming, as well as the summit of Manaslu (8163 m), where participants test their strength before climbing Everest.

2. Climbing by comfort (service): Mont Blanc (4810 m), Ararat (5137 m), Kilimanjaro (5895 m), Lenin Peak (7134 m).

3. Peaks in terms of beauty: Matterhorn (4478 m), Alpamayo (5947 m), Ama Dablam (6812 m), Ushba (4700 m). And also the famous trio: Eiger (3970 m), Mönch (4107 m) and Jungfrau (4158 m).

4. Peaks by popularity: Matterhorn (4478 m), Mont Blanc (4810 m), Ararat (5137 m)Kilimanjaro (5895 m).

5. Mountain system, country.
Alps (Italy, France, Switzerland), Himalayas (Nepal), Andes (Cordillera Blanca).

6. Trekking by beauty, popularity, comfort, country:

7. Combined tours:
Many programs sometimes already include a combination, for example:

In general, depending on the area, it is easy to add to any program: safari, via ferrata, bike ride, cave cities, windsurfing, beach, diving and much more.

8. Rock climbing:

9. Via ferrata:

10. Skiing programs:
Tetnuldi + Hatsvali (Mestia, Georgia)

There are still many beautiful places on earth where you can organize an interesting tour.

We are ready to see you in our program and answer all your questions in detail.

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