Tours list
Climbing Pisco, Ishinka and Tocllaraja. Peru

Climbing Pisco, Ishinka and Tocllaraju

Pisco one of the most spectacular mountains of the Cordillera Blanca. From the  top  of  this  mountain  you  can  see  the  entire  Cordillera  Blanca  at 360 degrees, it is known as the natural viewpoint or the Balcony of the Cordillera Blanca. Then  go  for  the  Ishinca,  you  are  two  mountains  climb  as  part  of  an acclimatization, then you end up climbing the Tocllaraju, the eighth highest mountain in the Cordillera Blanca. From the summits of Ishinca and Tocllaraju you  can  see  mountains  such  as  the  Copa,  Huantsan  (K2  of  the  Andes), Maparaju, San Juan, Ranrapalca among other mountains. Organize your expedition with us and live a unique experience. 

Tour type:
Expeditions and ascents
Cordillera Blanca, Andes
Number of participants:
From 2 participants
Maximum height:
6032 m
June - August
Start of the program:
Finish program:
14 days
1 825 USD
Tours dates
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Arrival in Lima at night (sleep in hotel)


Travel from Lima to Huaraz in the morning by Bus or Plane (sleep in hotel)


Acclimatization day – Churup Lake (4450 m). We’ll  leave  from  Huaraz  city  towards  east,  passing  through  villages  as Unchus and Llupa, up to the place called Pitec (3860 m), where we have to  pay  the  entrance  fee  at  the  Huascaran  National  Park  control  post,  then start  hiking  in  an  ascending  path,  observing  mountains  as  Huamashraju, Cashan  and  Shacsha  also  crop  fields  can  be  seen.  This  place  houses  a diversity  of  flora  and  fauna  such  as  the  wild  duck,  plants  with  healing properties and quenual tree forests. To reach this lake we have to climb rocks helped by a steady metal rope, ideal for those who love the adventure or take other path less challenging. Churup is a beautiful blue lake one of the most frequently visited, surrounded by Ichu grass, Quenual trees, wild flowers, etc. there’s also a smaller lake on the east side for those who want to continue hiking,  both  lakes  are  right  below  the  mountain  with  the  same  name,  then return to Huaraz city.


Huaraz - Yungay – Yuraq Corral (3846 m) - Pisco Base Camp (4650 m). We'll leave from Huaraz city towards north of Callejon de Huaylas, passing through cities as Carhuaz and Yungay, well pass through Chinancocha and Orconcocha  lakes  in  the  Llanganuco  valley,  and  reach  the    Yuraq  Corral  Campsite, where we'll start the trekking up to the Pisco Base Camp, from the path we can observe mountains such as  South peak (6160 m) and North peak (5900 m) of  Huandoy, Pisco (5752 m), Chacraraju (6160 m), Yanapaccha (5460 m),  Chopicalqui (6354 m) and South peak of Huascaran (6768 m). About 3 to 4 hours.  


Yuraq corral – Pisco Base Camp (4650 m). We’ll walk uphill, from the path we can observe mountains such as South peak  (6160  m)  and  North  peak  (5900  m)  of Huandoy,  Pisco  (5752 m), Chacraraju (6160 m), Yanapaccha (5460 m), Chopicalqui (6354 m) and South peak of Huascaran (6768 m). About 3 to 4 hours.


Pisco Base Camp – Moraine Camp (4900 m). In our next day we'll walk over a rocky zone towards the Moraine Camp, from where we can observe mountains such as the South peak (6160 m) and East peak (5900 m) of Huandoy, Pisco (5752 m), Chacraraju (6160 m), Yanapaccha (5460 m), Chopicalqui (6354 m), South peak (6768 m) and North peak (6655 m) of Huascaran. About 3 to 4 hours.


Moraine Camp – Summit of Pisco (5752 m) – Pisco Base Camp. We’ll leave at dawn and climb up to the Summit of Pisco, when it gets light we  have  a  scenic  beauty  of  mountains  of  the  Cordillera  Blanca.  Pisco  is considered a natural lookout of the Cordillera Blanca. Then descend to Base Camp. About 9 to 10 hours.


Pisco Base Camp – Yuraq Corral – Huaraz. Breakfast before returning to Cebollapampa and Huaraz In  our  return  to  Cebollapampa,  our  private  van  will  be  waiting  to  take  us back to Huaraz city.


Huaraz – Collon or Pashpa – Ishinca Base Camp (4350 m). We'll leave from Huaraz city by van towards north, up to the Pashpa Village, where we’ll start the trekking, ascending through Ishinca Valley and reach the campsite  in  the  same  valley,  with  beautiful  views  of  mountains  such  as Tocllaraju (6034 m), Palcaraju (6274 m) and Urus (5495 m). About 5 to 6 hours. 

DAY 10

Ishinca Base Camp – Ishinca Summit (5530 m) – Ishinca Base Camp. We'll leave at dawn ascending over the moraine, and reach the ice and start climbing  up  to  the  Summit  from  where  we  have  spectacular  views  of mountains such as  Urus (5495 m), Tocllaraju (6034 m), Palcaraju (6274 m) Ranrapalca (6132 m), Ocshapalca (5881 m), Huapi (5421 m), Pucaranra  (6147  m),  San  Juan  (5843  m),  Huantsan  (6359  m)  and others, then descend to Base Camp. About 8 to 10 hours.

DAY 11

Rest Day. This  day  the  Mountain  equipments  are  reviewed  for  the  last  ascent  to  the Tocllaraju.

DAY 12

Ishinca Base Camp - Tocllaraju Moraine Camp (5150 m). In  our  hike  to  Tocllaraju  Moraine  Camp,  we’ll  observe  mountains  as  Urus (5495  m),  Palcaraju  (6274  m),  Ishinca  (4350  m),  Ranrapalca  (6132 m) and Ocshapalca (5881 m). About 5 to 6 hours.

DAY 13

Tocllaraju Camp – Tocllaraju Summit (6034 m) – Ishinca Base Camp. We’ll leave at dawn and climb up to the summit, from where we can observe mountains such as Aquilpo (5751 m), Copa (6188 m), Palcaraju (6274 m), Ranrapalca (6132 m), San Juan (5843 m),  Huantsan (6359 m) and others, then descend to Base Camp. About 8 to 10 hours.

DAY 14

Base Camp – Collon or Pashpa – Huaraz (Hotel, Pachamanca dinner) - Lima at night (exit hotel). In our return to Pashpa village, our private van will be waiting to take us back to Huaraz city. Hotel, Pachamanca dinner.

DAY 15

Departure from Huaraz  to Lima and Lima - Home. Possible overnight in Lima!!

Note: After the ascent, we are ready to offer you a vacation on the coast of the ocean, lakes and various excursion programs in Peru - Read

Lima - Huaraz (3052 m) - Churup (Lake 4450 m) - Huaraz  -  Yuraq corral – Pisco Base Camp (4650 m) - Moraine Camp (4900 m) - Summit of Pisco (5752 m) – Pisco Base Camp - Yuraq Corral  - Huaraz - Collon or Pashpa – Ishinca Base Camp (4350 m) - Ishinca Summit (5530 m) – Ishinca Base Camp - Tocllaraju Moraine Camp (5150 m) - Tocllaraju Summit (6034 m) – Ishinca Base Camp - Collon or Pashpa – Huaraz - Lima

The cost of the full package of services -  from 1825 USD*

* cost for a group of 8 people or more

  Service with tents Service without tents 
Cost per person   1940 1825



  • Pick  up  at  Lima  Airport  (by  our  personal)  and  transfer  to  the  bus station or Hotel (taxi service must be paid by client).
  • Meals: Breakfast, box lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner during the expedition.
  • Private  Transport:  to  different  starting  and  ending  point  of  the expedition.
  • Experienced Climbing Guides certified by the UIAGM/IFMGA 
  • Cook. 
  • Porters
  • Donkey drivers. 
  • Donkies. 
  • Camping  equipment:  Sleeping  tents,  Kitchen  tents,  Dinning  tents, Bathroom tent, Mattress, practical table and chairs, etc. 
  • Kitchen kit: Plates, pots, tea pot, frying pot, spoons, knife, cups, etc. 
  • Huascaran National Park entrance fee.
  • One day hike (Acclimatization day – Churup or Willcacocha lake).
  • PACHAMANCA  the  last  day  of  the  expedition  (typical  food  of  the Peruvian Andes) from company.

Not Included:

  • Taxes
  • Soft and alcoholic drinks. 
  • Personal clothing and equipment. 
  • Travel, personal, and medical insurance.
  • International flight. 
  • Hotel (we can make reservations if clients want it so, extra payment). 
  • Extra charge for luggages. 
  • Laundry. 
  • Reconfirmation of flights. 
  • Food during stay in Huaraz city. 
  • Sleeping bags.
  • Transport from Huaraz to Lima or Lima Huaraz.
  • Mountain equipment (it can be rented in Huaraz city).
  • Tips.

Brief information on the area and route

Peru (Republic of Peru) is a country in South America, on the territory of which the tropical forests of the Amazon and Machu Picchu are located - the ancient Inca city on the top of the Andes mountain range. The area around Machu Picchu, where the Urubamba Valley is located (another name is the Sacred Valley of the Incas), the Inca Trail and the colonial city of Cusco, famous for its archaeological sites. The capital is the city of Lima. The territory of Peru can be divided into three regions, differing in the nature of the terrain, climate, flora and fauna.

  • In the west, along the Pacific coast, stretched a narrow strip of desert coastal plains (Costa). The largest deserts are Atacama and Sechura.
  • East is located the mountain belt of the Andes - Sierra. The highest point is Mount Huascaran (6,768 meters); In total, Peru has more than three dozen mountain peaks with a height of more than 6,000 meters.
  • To the east is the Amazonian lowland (selva) - the territory of tropical rain forests.

Huaraz is a city in Peru, the administrative center of the Ancash department. Located in the valley Callejon de Huaylas, on the river Santa, in the central part of the region, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.The population is 120,000 people, 407 kilometers north of Lima, the Pan-American Highway passes through the city.

Pisco (sometimes called Nevado-Pisco) - a double-peaked mountain in Peru, about 5,752 meters high, located about 60 kilometers north of the city of Huaraz. Pisco is located in the National Park of Huascaran, one of the most beautiful mountainous areas in Peru. First ascent: July 12, 1951

Ishinca  - "snow covered mountain" height of 5530 m, mountain peak in the region of the valley Ishinca, is a mountain peak located in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range in the Peruvian Andes. First ascent: 1964

Tocllaraju - a mountain about 6032 m high, located in the Ancash region, Carhuaz province, Aco District, and in the Huaraz Province, Tarica District in Cordillera Blanca in the Andes of Peru. Tocllaraju is located northwest of the mountains Pukaranra and Palcaraju. First ascent: 1939

Additional Information

  • Children under 14 years old are allowed on the route only when accompanied by adults.
  • The host party has the right to change the route according to weather conditions and group conditions
  • The cost of the voucher does not include: additional excursions, transfers outside the program, environmental fees, etc.
  • It is possible to provide additional services by prior arrangement: additional transfers, personal equipment hire, hotel booking, recreation, etc.

Attention! Don't forget to read our article about outdoor activities in Peru - Read

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